Cruz, Trump, Rubio in Northern Nevada

koh no 24 news

The Democratic caucuses in Nevada are finished, and the Republican caucuses are set for tomorrow evening. G-O-P candidates have been busy trying to get every vote they possibly can.  One of those leading the polls in the Republican battle across the country is Senator Ted Cruz. He has a detailed plan to replace the federal tax code. He told KOH’s Jon Sanchez that includes a number of tax cuts.  Cruz will hold a rally with Attorney General Adam Laxalt in Reno tonight at 7pm at the Boys & Girls Club, 1300 Foster Drive

Donald Trump got some campaign help from his son, Donald Jr, in advance of Tuesday’s GOP caucus. The younger Trump made an appearance on KOH’s Dan Mason Show, he says his dad is a lot different than most politicians.  Trump Jr says the rest of the family is ready to take over their fathers business, as Donald Sr. is ready to devote all his energies to the country. Donald Trump is set to campaign in Reno tomorrow at the Nugget in Sparks. Doors open at 10 a.m., the event starts at noon.

Marco Rubio is announcing campaign events in Nevada ahead of the state’s Republican caucus.  The Florida Senator will attend a rally in Reno at 12:30 p.m. today at the Peppermill casino, and then will hold a rally at Minden Park in Minden at 3:30 p.m.