[KOH] North Valleys commuters have suffered for a long time with more and more traffic on the same freeway, but relief is on the horizon. It’s the far horizon, but at least you can see it from here.
A massive NDOT widening project starts Sunday in the North Valleys. NDOT is going to widen 4 miles of 395 between North McCarran and Golden Valley Road. Lanes will be narrowed slightly and shifted in the work zone 24/7, and speeds will be reduced to 55 mph through the work zone. Through the winter, all lanes are planned to remain open during the daytime commute. However, overnight lane closures will take place, but at least one lane will stay open in each direction. Northbound narrowing will be limited to 8 p.m. to 11 a.m.; for southbound, hours will be 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. The construction is expected to last through the end of 2025.
An additional southbound lane will be constructed in the median, which will add capacity in the AM commute. For more information visit 395northvalleys.com