Economists say expect to shell out more this year for chocolate Easter eggs, bunnies, and other sweet treats.… MORE
Economists say expect to shell out more this year for chocolate Easter eggs, bunnies, and other sweet treats.… MORE
When compared to other Nevada counties, Washoe is pretty healthy. Rankings showing where we stand put Washoe at number three when it comes to both health factors and outcomes. We’re also living longer Dr. John Packham with the UNR School of Medicine says adult smoking is also above the national average here, but that doesn’t…… MORE
Don’t fall for this phone scam. The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office says people have been getting calls from scammers claiming they are with the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. The caller will then tell the victim they have missed a court date and need to pay to avoid jail. The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office reminds residents…… MORE
He’s asking Nevada, and specifically Washoe County for another 4 years. President Biden stopping in Reno for about 90 minutes this Tuesday on a western campaign swing. The President cited his economic record and how it’s helping right here. The President helped launch a campaign office here in Reno with local Democrats, before jetting off…… MORE
A skier gets lost in an out of bounds area on Mt. Rose and has to be rescued by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Hasty Team. Authorities say it happened when the skier exited via the Manzanita Bowl gate and went past the point of no return. The team says it’s a common mistake and…… MORE
He fled to Mexico in an effort to avoid prosecution in a drug case, now Nassrollah Behmard will be spending more than 12 years behind bars. It was back in 2014 that Behmard left the country. It was 2022 that Behmard and a co-conspirator arranged for a massive meth delivery from LA to Reno. Police…… MORE
President Joe Biden is expected to make a brief campaign stop in Reno today. Air Force One is scheduled to arrive at Reno-Tahoe International Airport at eleven o’clock this morning and leave by 12:45 p.m. Biden will be visiting with staff and volunteers at his campaign headquarters in Reno.… MORE
One man arrested after police say he crashed a stolen car in Sparks. It started when Sparks Police got a call about a stolen car in the Wingfield Springs area. Officers tracked down the car and attempted to pull the driver over. The suspect tried to flee and hit an oncoming car, causing the stolen…… MORE
A new emergency room has opened its doors in Damonte Ranch. The ER is an extension of the Sierra Medical Center and is located at 1041 Steamboat Parkway, next to the Safeway in Damonte Ranch. The new ER will be open 24/7 and treat people of all ages.… MORE
The Carson City Sheriff’s Office arrested four people from Reno after finding methamphetamine and fentanyl after a traffic stop. The sheriff’s office pulled over a car about 8 p.m. Saturday at College Parkway and Market Street. One of the passengers initially refused to get out of the vehicle. When she did, two large sacks of…… MORE