Category Archives: KOH Local News

Northern Nevada local news

Man Killed by Rolling Truck in South Lake Tahoe

A man was killed in South Lake Tahoe when a truck slipped on ice and snow and ran over him. CHP says that just after noon on Saturday, a man was driving his Ford F350. His truck was having difficulty making it up a steep hill, so he and his passengers exited the truck and…MORE

NHP Vehicle Hit by Driver on 580

A Nevada State Police trooper’s vehicle was hit by a driver Sunday afternoon as the trooper was stopped and assisting another motorist. It happened on southbound Interstate 580 in Washoe Valley. The trooper and the driver were not injured. State Police have not released any details about a possible citation or arrest, but are asking…MORE

Snow Slams Northern NV, Sierra

POWER-NV Energy reports 831 customers without power across their grid. That’s down from about 9,500 customers at the height of the storm Tuesday morning. ROADS-NDOT says I-80 Westbound is closed at the California State Line (Reno, NV) — An extreme blizzard warning remains in effect in the mountains between California and Nevada. Forecasters in Reno…MORE

City of Reno Preparing For The Snowfall

As the snow descends on Reno, city truck crews say they’re ready to do battle with the wintry weather Reno Director of Maintenance and Operations Travis Truehill says they handle main roads first, then side streets and finally residential cul-de-sacs.MORE

Officer Involved Shooting in Sparks Ruled Justified

The Washoe County District Attorney’s Office has found that Sparks Police Department officers were justified in the October 2022 shooting of a man who fired shots at the police department. Police negotiated with 36-year-old Jason Thorpe for more than two hours before Thorpe pointed his gun and was fatally shot by police.MORE

Things Got Heated at The Washoe County School Board Meeting

Things got heated at Tuesday’s Washoe County School Board meeting That’s an exchange between school board President Beth Smith and a speaker during public comment, wanting to restrict a book from Washoe County Schools.MORE

NV Energy Says Prepare For Possible Outages

NV Energy is urging Northern Nevada residents to brace for extended power outages brought on by the storm. Wind gusts as strong as 70-miles-per-hour could damage trees and powerlines in the wind-prone areas. NV Energy says it is increasing the number of employees it has on standby.MORE